Change Agent Network in AOD sector survey results
The Change Agent Network undertook an AOD sector survey late 2014 to identify the main areas of clinical concern for AOD counsellors in working with a complex and varied client group. Highlights from the survey are:
In total 131 professionals responded to the survey.
About half of respondents had been working in the sector for over 10 years.
The majority had completed a post-graduate degree or diploma.
There was a broad catchment representation in respondents including rural catchments
The most difficult clinical dilemmas identified by respondents are – working with clients experiencing suicidal ideation, working with clients experience past and/or present trauma including family violence and assessment of risk for children within families.
Respondents also found the dilemma of having to address complexity within a brief intervention framework to be a challenge in their clinical work.
Training (online and face-to-face) and clinical supervision were identified as the most important resources to enhance knowledge and implement evidence-based practice.
Network forums and peer activities also rated highly as important for implementing evidence-based practice.
Thanks to all those who participated in the survey and assisted in providing direction for our practice translation network. You can get full details of the CAN AOD survey by contacting the Change Agent Network.
Please stay tuned for CAN updates about the Practice Translation Network and the implementation of evidence-based practice in the AOD sector.
By Kerri Felemonow