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February Meeting 2015

The CAN Community of Practice came together on the 9thFebruary for our first meeting for 2015. It was fantastic to see everyone and start planning for the year ahead.

The existing Community of Practice was delighted to get a sense of who the successful applicants are from the latest recruitment drive. We feel that we have a great and diverse representation of the AOD sector and look forward to sharing in some leadership training and working on our identified projects. The group spent some time planning and identifying what will be put into place to support the new recruits and bring us together to work towards our shared goals effectively.

CAN have also received the results of the AOD survey which was put out to the sector which will inform the CAN’s first major project, the Practice Translation Network. 131 professionals responded with a good representation across catchments. The themes that were coming through strongly were:

  • Addressing complexity within a brief intervention framework

  • Working with clients experiencing past and or present trauma

  • Working with client experiencing family violence

These themes will be bought together in a proposal to the CAN Board around how the Practice Translation Network will proceed, so stay tuned for more detail on this particular project.

CANs presentation at the VAADA conference in February was very well-received and we have submitted an abstract to present at ‘Winterschool’ in Brisbane in July to showcase Victoria’s first AOD Community of Practice.

We have managed to secure Christine Nixon for our first CAN event for the AOD sector on March 23rd and we encourage all aspiring and established AOD leaders to attend.

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