March Meeting 2015
The CAN Community of Practice met on the 12th of March for our second meeting of 2015. It’s early days but we are full steam ahead!
Our new CAN member recruits commenced training at Leadership Victoria on Tuesday March 10th and were welcomed by project co-ordinator Dimi Petroulias, and myself as an existing CAN member. I was able to share with the group my experiences of becoming a CAN member, and what it was like to start a community of practice. We can’t wait to hear from the new group to see how they are progressing.

Final touches are underway in preparation for the Christine Nixon forum on Leadership, which will be held at the Bouverie Centre on Monday March 23rd. The CAN group are very excited to be able to bring you such an experienced member of Victoria’s Police force to talk about her views on leadership. We are eager to hear about and learn from Christine’s experiences, an event not to be missed!
As a result of the AOD survey, a number of themes were identified as the most prevalent in our current AOD work. Of the top three themes proposed, working with clients experiencing past and or present trauma has been chosen as the focus for our first project within the Practice Translation Network.
The board have approved this, and the next step is for the CAN practice translation working group to put together the framework and deliverables. This is a major piece of work, and we are putting in some very thoughtful considerations as to how we go forward in translating evidence based research to practice on the ground. Stay tuned for progress reports in coming blog posts.