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The Change Agent Network (CAN) Leadership Group update

Since March 2014, a group of 24 of Victoria’s leading alcohol and drug clinicians and senior managers have undergone an Intensive Leadership program and established a Community of Practice. The CAN Community of Practice aims to unite existing and emerging leaders within the Victorian AOD sector who have a range of skills and experiences and are from a range of professions. A Community of Practice is a group of people whose members share passion for something they ‘do’ and by having regular and formalised contact with one another, they learn to improve how they do it. Communities of Practice are characterised by sustained mutual relationships and shared ways of working. The training culminated in a graduation ceremony in June 2014.

Through the establishment of the Community of Practice, CAN has; developed the processes and governance framework; a communication and influence strategy; an action plan for CAN to meet its objectives; and a model for the Advanced Practitioners Network (APN) and its implementation which will include enhanced clinical skills and clinical leadership skills training.

The CAN Community of Practice has a vision to support a dynamic workforce which is responsive and sustainable, promoting evidence-based practice and collective wisdom, and to facilitate measurable and beneficial outcomes for clients and communities. The CAN also aims to provide representation for the AOD sector and actively participate in key sector forums and conferences, and be a reference group for government bodies (e.g. DoH) when developing AOD policies and activities in the area of workforce development.

We are excited to announce the CAN Community of Practice governance structure as follows;

  • Convenor: Sally Ryan,

  • Deputy Convenor: Ruben Ruolle,

  • Secretary: Bonnie Wells – ex officio,

  • Communications Portfolio: Cindy Van Rooy,

  • APN Coordinators: Melissa Lonsdale, Lisa Walklate and Jenni Thompson.

To keep up to date with all CAN developments including the APN join us on

*Re-post from VAADA Enews

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