Falling Into Leadership
The Change Agent Network presents “Falling into Leadership” a three part series designed to support emerging and established leaders in the AOD sector.
What does self care look like for those in leadership?
Often people fall into leadership roles because they have been able to manage themselves well professionally. What is not always acknowledged is that competence and confidence can be challenged for a time, leaving new leaders feeling isolated as they draw in new tools and supports to sustain them.
The panel presentation will draw on the lived experience of presenters from the AOD sector and will include:
- pitfalls to avoid
- practical strategies to help you land on your feet as a leader
- links to helpful frameworks and resources
Falling into Leadership
Tue 23 May 2017
Panel members
Integrating passion for clinical work into your new leadership role
Mon 17 July 2017
Shannon Bell, Beth Locke
As we move into leadership and/or management roles, we often struggle to move on from the passion of our clinical work into managing of teams and programs. But do you need to?
The Change Agent Network will be running a webinar with a panel of leaders and managers within the AOD Sector who will discuss and present how you can utilise your passion to fuel and benefit your new role as a leader or manager.
A discussion will be chaired with leaders from the Change Agent Network. This presentation, will explore how you can integrate your skills as a clinician into your role as a manager. Including:
What clinical skills are transferable to managing a team
How to build on and adapt your clinical skills and knowledge to leading a team
How can knowledge used with clients about theories of change be applied to teams who are in the process of change
How can working with complex client presentations inform your new leadership role
What aspects of your clinical experience of grief and loss can be utilised when managing the transition from being a peer to a manager
This presentation will be most useful for those who are contemplating becoming or who have recently stepped into the position of senior or team leader and want to make the most of their clinical skills in their leadership role.
Conflict and difference amongst team members can occur at any time, though the process of change can provide particular fuel for tensions. Team members may withdraw or act defensively so that an atmosphere of antagonism and blame displaces one of generosity and cooperation.
What role can leaders take during these times to overt and deal effectively with conflict in teams?
Heather Pickard has worked in the AOD sector for the past 20 years and has been involved in stewarding teams through turbulent times. She is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at SHARC and will be sharing some of her wisdoms and insights into this topic.
Clare Davies (Windana) has worked in the NFP sector for over 15 years and has managed teams in community services, Out of Home care, refugee and asylum seeker sector and AOD. Her work has focused on advocacy, policy, research and operations where she has led teams on large scale projects including establishment of new services and impactful growth initiatives.
Heather and Clare are both esteemed Change Agent Network alumna.
Some of the areas covered in this presentation include:
Preparing for change and forecasting the impacts on staff
Intervening early into challenging behaviours
Keeping a focus on goals, shared values and learning
Balancing the needs of the individual and the team
Managing high conflict
Holding the team and looking after yourself
Managing conflict in teams during times of change
Tue 29 August 2017
Clare Davies, Heather Pickard