Change Agent Network Board
The Change Agent Network Board monitors and supports the ongoing work of the Change Agent Network and provides advice and guidance to Turning Point and the Department of Health and Human Service in relation to the establishment and development of the Change Agent Network.
Current Members of the Change Agent Network Board
Director Turning Point, Chair of Change Agent Network Board, Professor of Addiction Studies and Services at Monash University. Worked across mental health and drug treatment settings in UK and Australia. Research includes investigating impact of AOD use on brain function, relationship between substance use and mental disorder, as well as development of targeted intervention programs within a variety of settings.
Executive Officer, VAADA, since 2007. Previously employed by Fitzroy Legal Service since 1989. With a background in education, social work and Criminology his principal work has involved social research, the preparation and production of educational and training materials, community development, and advocacy work. Sam has a keen interest in social justice, open and transparent systems of institutional accountability.
MANAGER, ENGAGEMENT, Leadership Victoria. Gail’s extensive experience as a senior leader in NFP organisations includes business development, governance, communications and community relations - built on a strong foundation in program management, leadership development and education. At Leadership Victoria, Gail has helped to strengthen and diversify their leadership activities; and grow a business development strategy to secure, develop and deliver an increasing range of customised leadership de
Associate Professor Petra Staiger is part of the School of Psychology at Deakin University and has worked in the area of mental health and addiction for the last 20 years. Her research and evaluation work is translational in nature and she is keen to contribute to improving client outcomes within the health service system.