The Change Agent Network was established in 2014 by the Department of Health and Human Services, in collaboration with Turning Point, VAADA, The Bouverie Centre, Bendigo Community Health Services and Leadership Victoria. More recently Deakin University has joined the collaboration. It is the first alcohol and drug (AOD) Community of Practice uniting existing and emerging leaders in the Victorian AOD sector.
The Change Agent Network has a vision to support a dynamic workforce which is responsive and sustainable, promoting evidence-based practice and collective wisdom, to facilitate measurable and beneficial outcomes for clients and communities.
About Us
establishing of a cohesive collaborative state-wide leadership network
developing of a framework for the first Victorian AOD sector Community of Practice
designing and facilitating of a state-wide practice translation model that puts Evidence Based Practice as a cornerstone for the sector
establishing partnerships with key organisations within the AOD sector
advocating for the AOD sector
The Change Agent Network meet monthly and just some of their achievements to date include:
generating a collaborative culture in AOD services which is committed to critical reflection and understands the importance of evidence-based practice
facilitating the effective translation of evidence into best practice across AOD service delivery and treatment
leading significant enhancements in clinical standards, workforce practices, client experiences and clinical outcomes in the AOD sector in Victoria
supporting the succession planning and professional development of the field and support a leadership culture based on collaboration rather than competition
The Change Agent Network has clear objectives to improve the Victorian AOD sector, which includes: